Monday, July 26, 2010

5. The Secret of Kells

Ok first of all, I hate cartoons.  Second, am I high right now?  I can't say whether I liked this movie or not because it's next to impossible for me to follow a cartoon.  I have no idea what it was about, I don't know any of the characters names, and up until two seconds ago I thought the movie was called "Garden of Eden".  Adam went on and on about how nice this movie would look in HD... Obviously he's high as well.  There were like four colours in total, and the drawings were shit.  Half the time I couldn't tell if the big thing flashing across the screen was the guys hand or some kind of weird robotic gyratory rock crusher.  I'll rhyme off a few things that I can recall about what I just watched:  There was a cute cat with one green eye and one blue eye, there was a mean man in a vagina shaped window, there was a ghost who sings, and then all of a sudden I thought I saw Jafar from Aladdin in dog form, multiplied by 10.  I wish I knew what in the sweet shit this movie was about so I can give it some kind of a rating, but unfortunately I have no idea.

Memorable quote:  None

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